Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Theory AIM Chats

If you're a living breathing member of modern society chances are you've got an AIM screename. If not, go make one. Happen to also be a fan of Theory of a Deadman? WELP - today's your lucky day. The guys from Theory have decided to jump on the AIM bandwagon to give you, their loving and adoring fans, the chance to chat with them. Here's their screenames:

  • Tyler Connolly - TylerCfromTheory

  • Dean Back - DeanBfromTheory

  • David Brenner - DavidBfromTheory

They will be signing on starting SUNDAY 4/27 FROM 1PM to 2PM (CST on 4/27, EST every following sunday).
The chance to converse with the men of Theory ends SUNDAY 5/19.

So, starting this sunday, get online and chat your ass off with Theory of a Deadman!

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