Monday, January 28, 2008

Super duper marketing info - need your help!

As part of our new, e-marketing planning we are scoping out the kinds of user profile details we would like to collect using the self-serve system that will soon be in place. That is, people on our database can shortly come to a page at our website and see their personal details (name, age, cell number, email address etc).

In the 'Round 1' database 'clean up' sweep we are only going after the basics. But in 'Round 2' we are going to make it attractive to our direct marketing user base to offer up far more detailed/insightful information about themselves. Stuff that we are thinkinbg would be useful to know include:
  • Favourite radio station
  • Favourite TV show(s)
  • Movies
  • Video games
  • Music retail store
  • Sodas/Beers/Food
We can come up with almost anything we like, but I am hoping the various departments can offer up some suggestions for us as to what you would like to know. Remember, this info can be fed back to you and might provide powerful leverage next time you (for instance) present a record to a radio station (ie. "We have 4,650 hardcore RR fans who listen to WKRP that we are going to e-blast next week to request the song!!"

So please have a think through this stuff, ask any relevant questions, and offer up some suggestions in the comments section below.


EliasChios said...

What liefstyle stores do you frequent?

What are your go-to music magazines?

Fuse or MTV2?

Unknown said...

What devices do you use to listen to music, ipod or other Mp3 player, cell phone ?

Where do you got to hear about new bands or new releases from bands you like??

Eric EQ said...

Do you buy physical or digital music?

If you buy CDs, how many per month?

Do you buy full digital albums or single tracks more often?

Do you buy CDs from a physical store? If so, what store?

Unknown said...

How many concerts do you attend a month?

Do you go to see the headliner or do you go to see all the opening bands?

CBASS said...

What does the Roadrunner brand/name/logo mean to you

Laura Bender said...

What radio stations do you listen to?

Do you buy full length CD's after hearing a song on the radio, or do you download the single?

When you hear a song in a television commercial how do you find out who the artist is?

Where do you listen to music the most: car, home or office?

Do you listen to radio stations' on-line streams?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Make sure you spell FAVORITE like we spell it here in the USA.
(from Madelyn, but Marlena would have said the same)